Fall has arrived in New England bringing with it the cool, crisp days and hints of the glorious colors to come. The kids are back to school, the days are getting shorter and we find ourselves looking up recipes for the perfect apple crisp. We begin to take a look inside our home and think up ways to make it cozy and inviting.
At Wrentham Antiques we add touches of bittersweet, pumpkins and colored leaves to well stocked cupboards and place sunflowers and mums in brass, copper and pottery containers. Candles in warm browns and oranges are added to every tablescape. Soup tureens, wooden bowls, brass candlesticks and baskets are some of our most sought after items this time of year. Our old wood Farm tables and country cupboards are laden with ironstone china and pewter . This is the perfect time of year for antiquing and apple picking in Wrentham, Mass.

Many of our customers make a day trip to the farms in our area such as Cook’s Valley Farm and The Big Apple and then meander along the back roads to visit us and the many delightful small shops our town has to offer.