Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Come to our
Showroom and
Meet the Craftsman from
Warren Chair Works

JC Bellman

This Saturday Only, January 30th, 1-4PM
 JC has been a wood craftsman for most of his adult life.  He is skilled in both machined & handcrafted furniture making, as well as a master wood carver.  He has been intimately involve in the evolution of this georgious, new addition to the Warren Chair Works of Warren, RI's handcrafted, CONTEMPORARY LINE of furniture.  JC will be on hand to discuss all aspects of the newest addition to the Warren Chair Works Line of Fine Furniture!


YOU HAVE TO SEE this furniture to truly appreciate the beauty inherent in the subtlties brought about by the concept behind it's creation. The use and combination of all Solid Cherry or Walnut, Maple & Tiger Maple that is finished without staining highlights the natural grain and wood tones. The opposing and sweeping lines capture the eye with the use of Pin Stripes of Tiger Maple.

The table lacquer finish is applied so that the natural, wood grain texture can just barely be studied with the hand as it is inevitably drawn to the surface of each piece in this magnificent line of creative genius.

Truly, functional pieces of art made with 18th century techniques!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Hope Chest is a Time Capsule!

I’m wondering if anyone under the age of 35 knows what a hope chest is? My mother has one and so do most women of her age. That’s where they collected the linens and other items – maybe a negligee or two - they would use to set up a home when they married.

Mom, who is in her seventies, received her hope chest from my father after becoming engaged to him. Other women received their chests from their own mothers before becoming engaged. I have been talking to women of all ages about their hope chests, and I’ve found that everyone seems to have a different story about how they received and used these attractive storage chests.

We just received the contents of a 90-year-old woman’s hope chest. It contained the story of her life! The embroidered and cutwork linen, tablecloths, antimacassars (anyone want to take a guess?) and pillowcases stitched with the couple’s initials. The wedding journal from the 1940s – she never wrote in it, but she kept it all those years; perhaps she couldn’t bring herself to part with a gift from her bridal shower. Did she wear that white lace boudoir jacket on her honeymoon?

We also got a glimpse into her married life. The aprons, neatly folded and unstained but soft from use, were handmade with Christmas themes and whimsical patterns typical of the 1950’s. Tablecloths the size of card tables were embroidered on each corner. China teacups recalled the countries where the couple had travelled. Gently worn, kid leather gloves, pocketbooks and piles of delicately embroidered handkerchiefs spoke of special occasions.

Today, vintage hope chests are not necessarily bought in anticipation of married life, but for the great storage they offer. If you happen to have inherited or have purchased a Lane hope chest from the 1920’s through 1987, you can call Lane at 1-888-856-8758 to receive a new childproof lock – see how things have changed? I can’t even imagine thinking my mother’s hope chest was the perfect place to hide when playing hide and go seek! But my big sister and I sure did like to peak into Mom’s hope chest – when she sent us there to retrieve something – and see the treasures inside.