Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Come to our
Showroom and
Meet the Craftsman from
Warren Chair Works

JC Bellman

This Saturday Only, January 30th, 1-4PM
 JC has been a wood craftsman for most of his adult life.  He is skilled in both machined & handcrafted furniture making, as well as a master wood carver.  He has been intimately involve in the evolution of this georgious, new addition to the Warren Chair Works of Warren, RI's handcrafted, CONTEMPORARY LINE of furniture.  JC will be on hand to discuss all aspects of the newest addition to the Warren Chair Works Line of Fine Furniture!


YOU HAVE TO SEE this furniture to truly appreciate the beauty inherent in the subtlties brought about by the concept behind it's creation. The use and combination of all Solid Cherry or Walnut, Maple & Tiger Maple that is finished without staining highlights the natural grain and wood tones. The opposing and sweeping lines capture the eye with the use of Pin Stripes of Tiger Maple.

The table lacquer finish is applied so that the natural, wood grain texture can just barely be studied with the hand as it is inevitably drawn to the surface of each piece in this magnificent line of creative genius.

Truly, functional pieces of art made with 18th century techniques!

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