Friday, March 19, 2010

Becoming Your “Quality Exchange”

This is a multi part series that speaks to how folks can manage the quality, value and process of furnishing and decorating their home throughout the full expanse of their personal life.

Part I: Becoming Your “Quality Exchange”
Over the last 20 years we have continued to evolve in response to many influences. We have come from the humble beginnings of an "Antiques Group Shop" to what might best be described as a "Quality Exchange." The essence of the “Exchange” is where we are asked to both “sell to and for” our customers. Most of the changes have been the inevitable result of attending daily classes in the small business "School of Hard Knocks!" (Oh why couldn't life just be a simplistic cadence of clearly defined activities ending with a gold-filled watch?) However, our most important changes came when we finally noticed our customer's series of unfulfilled needs throughout their three basic stages of life.

Having worked with an array of antiques enthusiasts ranging from the "Weekend Hobbyist," the "Frustrated Opportunist" and the “Avid Collector” all the way to the successful "Antiques Dealer" we have managed to learn a lot! Through the "fog" of the daily grind where everyone needs you to focus on them eventually we managed to slip clear of the clamber and find our true mission.

We now concentrate on getting better at executing one, central idea. We consider ourselves our customer’s advocate before we even meet them and in doing so, care about that moment in time when they talk about any experience they may have had with us or when they show someone important to them a purchase they made at our store. Because we know that if those moments go well for them everything else will take care of itself. Only our customers can judge how well we are executing our mission…each and every day…

Look for Part II: The 3 Basic Stages of Life & Trusted Relationships

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